GAparsimony 0.9.5 (2023-04-07)
- Solved checking problems in examples
GAparsimony 0.9.4 (2019-12-03)
- Shows elapsed time for each generation
GAparsimony 0.9.3
- Presents the 'object' or 'suggestions' if they are provided.
- Fix a repeated code in parallel.R
GAparsimony 0.9.2 (2018-05-18)
- Keeps and shows the individual with the best validation score in the whole GA process. It can be different than the best parsimonious solution at the last generation.
- Solved problems with 'suggestions'. This parameter can be set with an initial population matrix in order to continue the GA process.
- The 'object' and 'iter_ini' parameters permit to continue the GA process by using a previous 'ga_parsimony' object by selecting an initial population from 'object@history' and with GA settings of the previous GA process.
- Included a new parameter 'path_name_to_save_iter'. If it is not NULL, the 'ga_parsimony' object is saved in each iteration in a file with that name.
GAparsimony 0.9.1